1.If you haven't had a chance to meet Greg, please make it a point to stop by and introduce yourself during one of the breaks today.
2.Introduce yourself to your inner child who wants to talk to you and play with you.
3.But sometimes at a meeting or gathering it is all right to introduce yourself to a fellow student, or to one of the same sex and position.
4.When someone answers the door, smile and introduce yourself; say you are a volunteer and, if it helps, tell where you live.
5.But don't you think it about time, now, for you to introduce yourself?
6.Journalist: It's a great pleasure to have an interview with you on Paper Cutting. Could you please introduce yourself?
7.After you greet people you know look for people you haven't met before. Introduce yourself and start a conversation.
8.Sign up for an art class, or at yoga, introduce yourself to the woman who's downward-dogging next to you.
9.Use this verb to introduce yourself, and other people you know to French speaking people.
10.Find a Friend: Prior to your public speaking on stage introduce yourself to a few members of the audience in the front row.